Added: 11. December 2023
This year we celebrate 70 years. On this occasion, we are preparing a new permanent exhibition, which will get a completely new look after ten years. The permanent exhibition will undergo extensive reconstruction, during which it will be closed for several months. The new exhibition will include, among other things, educational zones, multimedia and virtual reality elements. This will require related construction work, such as the replacement of paneling, electrical wiring or the rebuilding of the object protection system. The investor of the CZK 28.5 million project will be the Zlín Region, while CZK 23.5 million will be covered by a subsidy from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme.
The theme for the new exposition is the civilisational discord that manifests itself in the development of Zlín. On the one hand a rational, pragmatic, modernist city and on the other hand, sometimes in opposition, sometimes in parallel, a traditionalism and sentimental image associated with nature and the countryside and its visual culture. Details will be revealed soon.
But that doesn't mean we're closing down completely. We are still preparing temporary exhibitions on the first floor of Building 14. Until the end of the year, you can visit the third exhibition in the triennial House of Art II, Salon L. Š. Next year you can look forward to the René Habel retrospective or the Zlín Youth Salon. And, of course, the grand opening of the new exhibition awaits us.
Regional Gallery of Fine
Arts in Zlín, p.o.
Vavrečkova 7040
760 01 Zlín
Gallery on the Map
+420 573 032 220
ID: 00094889
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