From the half of the 50ies the gallery has systematically built up its collections which are focused on the Czech and Slovak art of the 19th and the 20th century. The most important collection part includes the pictures illustrating the development of the modern Czech art which is represented mainly by the work of the inter-war avant-garde members– joining the beginnings of the 20th century and the following period. The principal works demonstrate the art activities of the Mařák’s Landscape School representatives. These are subsequently followed by the historical period after the withdrawal of Osma, the cubist work, neoclassicism of the 20ies, the work of the Artist Association members, surrealism, up to the anti-war-oriented production of the period between the 30ies and 40ies. Besides, the works of the Group42 members are important for the exhibition. As far as the work of the second half of the 20th century is taken into consideration, some works of the Czech Informel representatives (i.e. non-formal or non-form art) from the sixties are especially remarkable as well as the artwork collection from the last three decades.
Regional Gallery of Fine
Arts in Zlín, p.o.
Vavrečkova 7040
760 01 Zlín
Gallery on the Map
+420 573 032 220
ID: 00094889
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