The permanent exhibition of the Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín consists of non-commissioned fine art, architecture and design and presents exhibits mainly from its rich collection. Through 300 original works it offers an insight not only into the recent history of art, but also into the intricate relationships of visual culture with various areas of life.
The central theme of the exposition is the contradiction between how the city of Zlín and its surroundings are perceived on the outside and how they define themselves internally. On the one hand, there is a distinct mark of modernization and industrial development left by the Baťa Company, and on the other hand, the traditional and sentimental view associated with nature and the countryside. This obvious contrast forms the basic line of the exhibition’s content. The exhibition has two parts, which symbolize the civilizational conflict reflected in the development of Zlín. The first one represents the rational and pragmatic approach adopted by the city during its rapid modernization, while the second part reflects an irrational response – that is, clinging to the tradition and to individual freedom. The title of the exhibition “+ - Zlín” is a metaphorical expression of the terms that capture this dynamics and the relativity of opposites: rationality versus emotion, standardization versus uniqueness, organization versus spontaneity, mass versus individuality, change versus permanence, speed versus depth.
The part of the exhibition on the right deals with the cultural history of Zlín, including Zlín Salons from the 1930s and 1940s, the city’s architecture and industrial design. It features paintings by famous painters such as Bohumil Kubišta, Emil Filla, Jindřich Štyrský or Toyen, as well as lesser known artists. The architecture section presents models of iconic buildings of Zlín, which illustrate the rapid transformation of the small town into a center of modern architecture. The industrial design section focuses on key figures such as Vincenc Makovský, Zdeněk Kovář and František Crhák and their influence on the development of design.
The part of the exhibition on the left focuses on non-commissioned fine art and develops two main themes. The first one is devoted to landscape. Here, nature is depicted not only as a raw power, but also as a mirror of human experience, a reflection of personal memories and stories as perceived by artists from the late 19th century and the whole 20th century. The second theme deals with the human subject from the earliest modernist attempts to contemporary conceptions. This approach explores not only the human figure but also a deeper perception of reality, oscillating between realistic depiction and absolute imagination.
The exhibition deals with the expression of the specifics which are connected with the city of Zlín and its surroundings. In addition to classic exhibits, the presentation also includes interactive elements such as an immersive mobile application. It literally brings visitors new visual experience - for example the paintings become as real ones, the authors will talk about their artworks, visitors will be able to create an own self-portrait or they will hear the dynamic speech of Jan Antonín Baťa. Visitors will travel through time by means of the use of the application or they will take a look under the designers' hands during the process of designing works.
The project “New Exhibition of The Regional Gallery of Fine Artis in Zlín” has been co-funded by the European Union.
Regional Gallery of Fine
Arts in Zlín, p.o.
Vavrečkova 7040
760 01 Zlín
Gallery on the Map
+420 573 032 220
ID: 00094889
Copyright © 2025 Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín, p.o.